Research for Impact. The SUFER Experience
The Support for University Fisheries Education and Research (SUFER) project started operating early in 1999 with funding from DFID. The aim of the project was to improve the ability of the university sector in Bangladesh to help in building the country's aquatic resources in ways that particularly focused on the needs of poor people. The project worked to develop the quality of teaching and research in universities and link them to the realities of poor people's lives. The work on teaching quality largely consisted of working with lecturers through a programme of workshops aimed at improving both their teaching skills and curricula development. This report reflects on some of the experiences of the SUFER project and the lessons learned. It contains a number of case studies describing promising pieces of research, funded by SUFER, which have looked into issues that affect the livelihoods of poor rural Bangladeshis: Mud crabs Drying fish Shrimp fry Mussels and oysters Thai Pangas Carp spawn