Research in Progress April 2006 - March 2007
The IPPG (Improving Institutions for Pro-Poor Growth) Research Consortium is a group of Northern and Southern research institutions, funded by DFID, dedicated to exploring the hypothesis that that Pro-Poor Growth (PPG) depends critically on the interactions of formal and informal political, social, and cultural institutions with economic institutions which together constitute an institutional matrix which may either enhance or constrain PPG. This report of research in progress provides a brief background to the work currently being undertaken and sets out, in schematic terms, the intellectual paradigm which informs this work, the work undertaken and planned for capacity building, outreach and communications. In particular, it highlights the research projects currently being undertaken by the Consortium Partners in Latin America, Africa and South Asia, in the following countries: 1. Bolivia: Comparative property rights, transaction costs and cooperation in two rural communities; 2. Peru: Institutional aspects of transaction costs, marketing and small farmer investment; 3. Chile and Ecuador: The Institutional architecture of two rural communities; 4. Malawi: The politics and economics of institutional change in land tenure; 5. Malawi: The politics of state-business institutional relations; 6. Mali: Institutions and organizations - the responses of farmers' organizations to institutional change in the Office du Niger; 7. Bangladesh: The Local Government Engineering Department and its role in the growth of the rural non-farm economy; 8. West Bengal: The dynamics of state-business relations and their impact on pro-poor growth in manufacturing; and 9. General: Econometric analyses measuring the impact of effective state-business relationships on pro-poor growth