Scientific Publication

Research Report Negowat Bolivia N° 3. Wastewater Irrigation in the Peri-urban Area of Tiquipaya (Cochabamba, Bolivia)


The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the wastewater use for irrigation in Tiquipaya and its possible consequences on environment and health, starting from the monitoring of the temporal and spatial variations of the wastewater quantity and quality, the knowledge of the current farming practices and the farmer's perceptions. Three areas were identified with intensive use of wastewater without treatment: Bruno Moqho, cultivating vegetables; Kanarancho, irrigating grassland; and Chiquicollo, producing forage. Wastewater sources were monitored in the dry and wet periods. The results in both periods show high concentrations of microbiological contamination; the biological demand of oxygen indicates that they are not appropriate either for irrigation, or for discharge in water receivers (Law 1333). It is necessary to implement, at first, wastewater treatment plants and then to measure the adaptation of irrigation practices, to use protecting clothes and appropriate techniques for washing and disinfecting agricultural products. This should be supported by the municipality and institutions