Dataset / Tabular

Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis 2017 (Congo, Dem. Rep.)


The Rome-based United Nations agencies (RBA), which include FAO, WFP, and IFAD, with support from the Government of Canada, are implementing a programme to strengthen livelihood resilience in the context of protracted crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD), Niger and Somalia. The programme will contribute to building sustainable food security and resilience to shocks and stressors among men, women, boys and girls and households, with a particular focus on vulnerable women and children. Thus, the programme focuses on: i) increasing the availability of and access to a nutritious, diverse and stable food supply; ii) increasing the quantity and quality of productive assets at the household and community level; iii) nutrition; iv) strengthening effective governance of common natural resources; and v) enhancing gender equality, through gender mainstreaming in all interventions aimed at empowering women.