Report / Case study

Responding to requests for information on health systems from policy makers in Asian countries


Policy makers in Asia are looking for information to assist them in making strategic decisions for their health systems. The terms of reference for a study on the feasibility of a regional rapid response mechanism (RRRM) identified nine countries for inclusion. Collaborators from seven countries agreed to participate: China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. Collaborators in each country interviewed informants from health departments and research institutes (around 90 informants were contacted in total), and compiled Country Reports based on these interviews and on their own knowledge. Detailed reports on the views of researchers and research institutes were obtained from three countries: China, Philippines and Singapore. Over 20 established information mechanisms around the world also were reviewed. Policy makers and researchers overall supported the establishment of some type of regional information mechanism, and many wished to be involved in its governance and activities. This report summarises the study and its conclusions