Scientific Publication

Results of Electronic Consultation for Research Strategy 2008-2013


This report presents the findings drawn from the global electronic consultation on the proposed new research strategy which will provide one of a number of background documents feeding into this strategy. A total of 607 responses, which comprised free text, were received with the highest number of responses coming from the UK, Africa and Asia. These were subjected to a four stage analysis following removal of identifying data: reading all text, extracting key statements for each question, clustering these to develop answers to the questions and, where these did not directly fit, extracting common categories appropriate to the question concerned. While individual questions and research themes generated responses that were of relevance to the particular question concerned these are not reiterated in this summary but may be read in the full report. It is interesting to note that questions one-four, which embrace the current major research themes of DFID, generated both the largest number of responses out of which the largest number of key statements were extracted. Several categories which emerged were repeated across most of the questions. The recommendations arising from these which should be taken into account in developing the strategy are: continue with research in all the main themes; make meaningful links between research into each of these themes rather than treating them in isolation; address issues of governance in conducting research or applying research findings into practice; involve those at grass roots level in all stages of research and dissemination; carry out research which focuses on the effectiveness of traditional practices in a modern age; ensure that in-country capacity for carrying out and implementing research findings is developed; continue to draw on the experience of developed countries; learn lessons from newly emerging economies; develop long and short term partnerships with relevant other funding authorities; avoid duplication of work but draw on existing research; ensure that all research contains a clear communications strategy; ensure that research findings are disseminated into action. Although a transparent, valid process has been utilised in the analysis of this questionnaire to ensure that all voices have been heard, as with all research there are limitations. In analysing the questions respondents have perhaps inevitably focused on their own particular professional areas of interest. This was especially noticeable in questions five to thirteen which had a general rather than discipline specific focus. Another limitation is that many respondents focused on the sub questions presented in the consultation document when presenting their ideas. Finally because of the nature of responses it has not been possible to cite all respondents in the report. The executive summary is also attached as a seperate document