Scientific Publication

Rural Farmers and ICT based extension - Farmer's Response and Preferences of ICT based Extension


Information communication technology creates an efficient and effective enabling environment for farmers to access latest technologies. ICAR- Central research instrtute on jute and allied fibres initiated ICT based extension services to farmers through Expert systems, Mobile advisory through text and voice SMS, Video films, Short demonstration programmes through Doordarshan etc. The attitude of farmers towards ICT based extension services was measured which showed more than one third (36.92%) of the farmers had favorable attitude towards ICT tools followed by 30.76 per cent had least favorable and 32.3 per cent had most favorable attitude. Age and experience in farming had a negative and significant relationship with attitude of farmers towards ICT basedextension whereas education, innovation proneness, social participation, economic motivation and mass media exposure had a positive and significant relationship. Farmers preference on different methods of extension contact shm,ved that the farmers had a hlgh preference on communication through mobile phone as voice message, s followed by direct contact and television. The barriers for ICT based extension as reported by the farmers were low computer l eracy (96 .92%) followed by lack of training availabil ity to learn about ICT (95.38%)