Scientific Publication

Sea erosion and its impact on turtle nesting in Karnataka


Sea erosion along the coast of Karnataka has resulted in the loss of valuable beaches which is important for marine turtle nesting. In Karnataka, only the Olive ridley turtle is known to nest along the coast. Also known as the Pacific ridley, this species is found in coastal waters of the tropical parts of the Pacific, Indian and South Atlantic Oceans. The three coastal districts of Karnataka such as Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Uttara Kannada have a coastline of about 300 km of sandybeaches which are preferred nesting sites of Olive ridley turtles. Sea erosion especially during monsoon is the major reason for loss of beach in this coastal stretch. Based on the interviews of fishermen conducted during 2013 in 28 beaches of coastal Karnataka, ranks were assigned for the reasons for decline in turtle nesting