Dataset / Tabular

Service Delivery Indicators Education Survey 2013 - Harmonized Public Use Data (Uganda)


The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) are a set of health and education indicators that examine the effort and ability of staff and the availability of key inputs and resources that contribute to a functioning school or health facility. The indicators are standardized allowing comparison between and within countries over time.

The Education SDIs include teacher effort, teacher knowledge and ability, and the availability of key inputs (for example, textbooks, basic teaching equipment, and infrastructure such as blackboards and toilets). The indicators provide a snapshot of the learning environment and the key resources necessary for students to learn.

Uganda Service Delivery Indicators Education Survey was implemented between June 20th and August 7th, 2013 by the Economic Policy Research Centre in close coordination with the World Bank SDI team. Overall, 400 primary schools were visited; 2,197 primary three, four, and five teachers were assessed on English, mathematics, and pedagogy; 3,806 teachers of all grades were followed for absence rate. Also, although learning outcomes were not part of the indicators, 3,966 primary four pupils were assessed on English, mathematics, and non-verbal reasoning. It was crucial that the indicators be correlated with pupil learning outcomes because the SDI was geared towards capturing the drivers of learning outcomes at the school level.