
SKiM - 2022 Morocco Learning Route on


The Morocco Learning Route (MLR) was conducted from 20 to 25 June 2022. It was a
knowledge management key for the best practices learning and sharing, focusing the whole
chain of innovation. The MLR was a means to exchange knowledge between peers, here
usually farmers, rural development practitioners, academics, researchers, stakeholders and
decision-makers. The designed program of the MLR considered several SDGs including the
SKIM thematic areas especially the institutional KM process, The natural resource
management, the agriculture and livestock productivity and the gender and youth equity.
Six case studies were discussed, visited and evaluated. The case studies were located in
different regions in Morocco which differs from their climate and soil conditions, economic
development and agricultural specialties. All project partners participated. The ICARDA
project coordinator, one participant from IFAD, one from IAM Bari, seven participants from
Sudan, and six from Moldova. The participation of Moroccans team was also significant as
all partner institutions and some stakeholders also contributed in the MLR. We counted the
participation of eight Moroccan professionals. Through the MLT evaluation, the participants
find the MLR 95% very interesting in relation to their expectations. some positive
recommendations and opinions were also expressed