SKiM - Design business laboratory to support entrepreneurship in the universities and research centers (third mission-TTO)
Universities and research centers are traditionally thought of as a place for higher education
and research but are also aimed at engaging in dialogue with society to contribute to social,
cultural, and economic development. Universities and research centers are called upon to
build bridges with businesses, civil society and the territories by leveraging competitiveness.
This is the framework in which the “University’s Third Mission” activities are defined. The
University’s Third Mission obliges to enhance the human capital trained by universities,
research results and innovation, encouraging the creation of new businesses (start-ups) and
innovation in senior companies, through the “Open Innovation” (OI) methodology. By
involving external entities – such as companies, associations, organizations – and by
focusing on the promotion of knowledge outreach and uptake, the academic and research
institutions can contribute to the socio-economic development of the territory, while linking
for regional strengthening