Scientific Publication

Skin test to detect resistance of cattle to Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks


The evaluation of a skin test to detect acquired resistance to Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann ticks is described. An extract of salivary glands of partially fed female R.appendiculatus was prepared by dissection, sonication and filtration and used for intra-dermal injection. Tests were carried out on twelve calves of known resistance to R.appendiculatus and on twelve naive calves to establish threshold values for positive reactions. Four rabbits naive to ticks were skin tested repeatedly to assess immunogenicity of the test. Reactions to the test at 1 h and at 24 h after injection were significantly correlated with resistance. The correlation was higher with the reactions at 24 h. Rabbits were immunized by the test but the reactions never exceeded the positive threshold. Further development by field testing is recommended