
Sorghum and Pearl Millet Genetic Resources Utilization


Sorghum and pearl millet are unique in size and diversity. The largest collections contain 40,570 (U.S. sorghum collection) and21,191 (ICR1SATpearl millet collection) accessions. Less than three percent of these accessions have been used in crop improvement. Curation— or acquisition, maintenance, characterization, and utilization—plays a role in exploitation o f the genetic variation within these collections. Cultivation of sorghum andpearl millet is increasing the use of marginal agricultural land. Future utilization will depend on increased research on abiotic and biotic stress tolerance. To facilitate exploitation o f this vast germplasm, traditional and biotechnical methods must be combined to provide better understanding of the genetic variation available, which then can be used in crop enhancement. This can only be accomplished through sharing of ideas, particularly through creation of an arena where information is globally accessible