Working Paper

SPIA review of: Impact of participatory natural resource management research in cassava-based cropping systems in Vietnam and Thailand


Between 1994 and 2003, the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), in collaboration with national agricultural research partners in Thailand and Vietnam implemented a Nippon Foundation funded project titled “Improving the Sustainability of Cassava-based Cropping Systems in Asia.” The purpose of the project was to address the problem of the observed widespread non-adoption of soil conservation and fertility management technologies in cassava production in Asia. Aside from conservation technologies such as contour lines, hedgerows and management technologies including inter cropping, use of manure and mineral fertilizer also genetic improvement technologies, i.e. improved cassava varieties were included in the project. Hence, the nature of the NRM research was that of an applied, adaptive research for already existing NRM technologies and principles but where adoption by farmers was low. Together with NARS researchers and extension agents CIAT was working with farmers in selected project villages. The “farmer participatory research” (FPR) methodology included the joint conduct of on-farm experiments to identify, test and adjust promising natural resource conservation and productivity enhancement cassava technologies. The project therefore encompassed a broader research paradigm that falls under the category of INRM as described in chapter 1.2