Scientific Publication

Structural and Functional Mechanism of Mobile Based Agroadvisory Services and Socio-Economic Profile of the Member Farmers


Among modern information and communication technology (ICT), mobile phone has been most recent and widely accepted mode of delivering information in most of the developing country including India. Increasing mobile phone and its services enhance the availability to access information and to increase awareness, education, better adoption of technology, better health and efficiency, reduced transaction costs, better market efficiencies, etc. As an information platform to receive messages–SMS or voice-message information provide the ability to get connected to new knowledge and information sources not previously available with the possibility of real-time, highly tailored information delivery. Most of Indian farmers are small and marginal so they cannot afford costly ICT based services. In this context, mKRISHI® which was started in 2006 is more appropriate as compared to all other ICT based projects in India because mKRISHI® operated through mobile phone is very cheap and affordable by farmers. After the early success in the promotion of sustainable farming practices through the use of localized message in local language in the Maharashtra state, it had been deployed to thirteen other states of the country. There were totally 11 languages in which message had produced in 13 states of the country. This unique approach is popular among farmers which resulted in better adoption of improved farm practices. Most of member farmers belong to young aged group, small farmer, high social participation and high contact with extension agency