Scientific Publication

Studies on Genetic Divergence in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Using SRAP Markers


Pomegranate genotypes have been characterized mainly on the basis of morphological traits; but, these traits are affected to a large extent by environmental and cultivation conditions, resulting in their ambiguous discrimination. Molecular markers are more suited for accurate discrimination of genotypes and cultivars. Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) markers were used in the present study to analyze polymorphism among the important pomegranate genotypes grown in India. The total number of bands generated by 30 SRAP primers for 12 genotypes was 1448, with an average of 48.3 bands per primer. Polymorphism varied from 2.7 to 73.9, with an average of 40.95%. Similarity-value based on Jaccard's Coefficient ranged from 0.63 (between cvs. Naina and Amlidana) to 0.95 (between cvs. Kabul Yellow and Jalore Seedless). UPGMA (un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) analysis was performed and a dendrogram was constructed using Jaccard's similarity matrix. The 12 genotypes used grouped into 5 clusters. SRAP markers were found suitable for determining variability among the pomegranate genotypes studied