Successful Gender Ministries (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report)
Query Please identify examples of 'successful' gender ministries, i.e. cases where such ministries have had a discernible impact on equality or empowerment. Key findings Gender ministries can simultaneously perform a variety of different roles and functions in pursuit of gender equality and empowerment goals. However, the literature does not characterise particular ministries as being generally ‘successful’, though there are cases where gender ministries have helped push through significant advances in specific areas of gender policy and have thus been considered effective in performing a particular role. This report identifies such examples from both developed and developing countries, including information on the factors that may enable or constrain the performance of ministries or other gender-oriented state agencies. Although the impact of particular ministries remains limited, there is some consensus around the general types of conditions that can enable or constrain the ability of gender ministries to achieve their goals. A number of factors affecting their success broadly relate to levels of capacity, resources, political commitment, and prioritisation and positioning within government and political structures