Report / Case study

Summary report of the stocking and restocking of waterbodies in villages participating in the MRAG adaptive learning project, Savannakhet and Khammouane Provinces (July and November 2000)


This report provides a summary report of the stocking programme undertaken for the MRAG adaptive learning approaches to fisheries enhancement project. The programme has been designed to use the stocking of community managed waterbodies in order to gain information about the suitability of alternative species for stocking and potentially their effects on wild fish populations in the waterbodies. In total, 38 waterbodies in 33 villages in Savannakhet and Khammouane Provinces, Lao PDR, have been stocked. This report outlines the following aspects of the stocking programme: Description of the experimental stocking programme; Implementation of the stocking programme; Subsequent changes to the stocking programme; and evaluation of the programme