Scientific Publication

Sustainable livestock intensification


The livestock sector in developing countries contributes more than 33% to agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and is one of the fastest growing agricultural subsectors. The livestock sector has been experiencing what has been coined the “Livestock Revolution”. Population growth, urbanization, and most importantly, increasing income have resulted in a rapid increase in demand for livestock products, which is likely to continue well into the future. This growth of the livestock sector presents both enormous opportunities and challenges. This book therefore comes at an opportune time for both policy makers and practitioners in developing countries, and the international community. Livestock is a major contributor to food and nutritional security, and serves as an important source of livelihood for nearly 1 billion poor people in developing countries. Its importance in attaining the MDGs should therefore not be underestimated. The book aims to provide critical information and knowledge on the importance of livestock in the global effort to alleviate poverty and promote human health. It describes and evaluates case studies, examines theoretical frameworks, and discusses key global policy development issues, challenges and constraints related to smallholder livestock-production systems around the globe. The book is written for academic professionals, industry experts, government officials and other scholars interested in the facts and issues concerning the contribution of livestock to the social and economic progress of developing countries. The introductory chapter is followed by a chapter outlining a conceptual framework for the role and contribution of livestock in the livelihoods of developing communities. In the subsequent three chapters, cross-cutting themes are addressed, namely promoting gender equality and empowering women through livestock, livestock environment interactions, and food, nutrition and health systems focusing on food from animal origin. Thereafter a chapter analyzing the interactions between these three components follows. Subsequent chapters address the role of livestock against risk and vulnerability in smallholder communities, sustainable intensification and value chains and innovation in smallholder production systems. The book is xiii concluded with a chapter on implications and innovative strategies for enhancing the future contribution of livestock to developing communities. All the chapters are well illustrated with case studies from developing countries, focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin-America. We are confident that the book will assist in generating renewed interest in the livestock sector xiv