
A systems approach for more effective and inclusive agricultural innovation for sustainable transformation: A call to action, reflection and five research commentaries


How can we, and those who have been structurally excluded, become more robust AR4D actors?
How can we educate ourselves to excel in interdisciplinary work and recognize biases within our project teams?
What are the consequences of failing to address these systemic issues to our effectiveness?

Our new research portfolio delves into these questions, recognizing that this endeavor is not only a moral imperative but also crucial for enhancing our capabilities and success in the field. This research commentary series, explores five research themes shaping the future of A4RD with systems thinking, using qualitative and quantitative methods:

1. Investigating upstream agriculture research for development dynamics for downstream impacts
2. Integrating social and natural sciences in agricultural innovation systems
3. Obstacles to measuring and quantifying systems change
4. Outcome-based innovation and scaling, impact with systems framework
5. Considering social differentiation in innovation and scaling