Scientific Publication

A taxonomic revision of the genus Leptacris and allied genera (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Hemiacridinae)


The Afro-Oriental hemiacridine grasshopper genus Leptacris Walker (1870), together with three related African genera, Acanthoxia I. Bolivar (1906), Sudanacris Uvarov (1944) and Meruana Sjöstedt (1909), gen. rev., are revised. Keys are provided to the males and females of all genera and their included species and subspecies. The genus Meruana is restored from synonymy under Leptacris (Walker) as a valid genus, while a second genus Metapa Stål (1878) (synonymised under Leptacris Walker) is recombined under the Acanthoxia genus group. Three new species Acanthoxia aculeus sp.n., A. brevipenne sp.n. and Sudanacris cholawo sp.n. are described. Leptacris greeni and Ischnacrida fusca are newly synonymised under Leptacris filiformis, Leptacris violacea under Leptacris monteiroi monteiroi, Ischnacrida gracilis under Leptacris monteiroi vittata, Ischnacrida pretoriae under Acanthoxia natalensis and Meruana nyuki under Meruana usambarica. Three species are unplaced because material is unobtainable. Suggested determinations for the three species are given