Technology Transfer Pathways of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D): The Case of the Weather-rice-nutrient Integrated Decision Support System (WeRise) in Indonesia
Bugayong, Iris D
Hayashi, Keiichi
Querijero, Nelson J. V. B
Orden, Maria Excelsis M
Agustiani, Nurwulan
Hadiawati, Lia
Siregar, Idri Hastuty
Carada, Wilfredo B
Atienza, Vella A
Bugayong, Iris D et al., 'Technology Transfer Pathways of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D): The Case of the Weather-rice-nutrient Integrated Decision Support System (WeRise) in Indonesia', vol. Volume 25, no. 2; pages 104-117, Journal of ISSAAS, 2019