Dataset / Tabular

Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives


This template has been preprared to assist countries in documenting and detailing the scientific aspects of the development of National Strategic Action Plans (NSAP) or National Strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives (CWR). This document will thus constitute a technical background document that forms the scientific basis of the NSAP and complements the main NSAP document for which a template is also available (Dulloo et al. 2017). The template here published is in MS Word format but a Pdf version is also provided for the purpose of showing the layout (as opening the Word document using different versions may interfere with the suggested layout). This template has been prepared based on the 'Resource Book for Preparation of National Conservation Plans for Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces' (Maxted et al. 2013), commissioned by the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) as part of the ongoing work on implementing the Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GPA), and the 'National Level Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Food Plants: Revised Draft Voluntary Guidelines' (CGRFA 2017). It has also resulted from several years of research and experience from working with various countries, including Mauritius, South Africa and Zambia which have already used it and provided feedback on its structure and content within the framework of the EUR funded SADC CWR project (