Report / Case study

Topic Guide: Measurement and reporting of performance of social investment in oil, gas and mining companies


This Topic Guide provides general guidance on extractive companies’ social investments for donors, companies and civil society. It reviews approaches taken by mining, oil and gas companies in the measurement and reporting of their social investments. The Topic Guide is structured as follows: Section 1 - Introduction Section 2 - gives the background to understanding social performance and social investment, as well as setting out why companies dedicate funds and human resources toward social investment. Section 3 - provides a brief review of the key industry standards and guidelines that have been created for social performance and social investment. Section 4 - outlines a case study of the Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation (NADeF) – the main vehicle through which Newmont Ghana Gold Limited (NGGL) manages its social investments. Section 5 - offers reflections on the case study and its measuring and reporting, set in the broader context of the on-going developments in corporate social performance, social investment and the social licence to operate concept