Scientific Publication

Tweaking national biofuel policy for promotion of sweet sorghum as alternate feedstock


Energy is a critical input for economic growth and sustainable development in both developed and developing countries. Globally, the energy requirement for the transportation sector is met from fossil fuels that are non-renewable and contribute to atmospheric pollution. However, the sharp rise in crude oil prices from US$20 a barrel in 2002 to almost US$100 (even touching $140 before stabilizing at around $80) forced nations to seriously look for alternative energy sources that are renewable and non-polluting. This trend of rising oil prices is expected to continue in the face of their shrinking supplies and rising demand. Secondly, growing concerns over human-induced climate change, as evidenced by rising temperatures and environmental pollution is further driving the impetus for non-polluting energy sources. One such source is seed ethanol from plant biomass/grain and biodiesel from processing edible and non-edible vegetable oils