Report / Case study

Unlocking a New Market: Ultra-Low-Cost M2M. Opportunities and Barriers to a New Mobile Frontier


Edith Chelangat, is a Kenyan mother who for the first time is getting clean, affordable energy and light, thanks to her mobile phone. This lighting system is solar powered and includes embedded GSM technology for monitoring and metering usage. Edith makes micro-payments with her phone to top up her lighting system's 'credit' whenever she wants. It is a pay-as-you-go service with the advantage of no large initial cash outlay. Importantly, it is cheaper and healthier than the alternative, kerosene. Edith's story is used to illustrate the service provided by M-KOPA to help customers save money by enabling micro-asset financing and allowing them access to previously unaffordable energy products. This case study explores the issue of machine-to-machine technology (M2M) and presents some ideas for consideration by the M2M industry