Report / Case study

Urban land, planning and governance systems in Nigeria. Urbanisation Research Nigeria (URN) Research Report


This report represents the first stage of the research under Theme D of the Urbanisation Research Nigeria programme. It is based on a desk study by Nigerian and UK-based researchers and analysis of the results from a semi-structured interview survey of stakeholders in the six Nigerian cities. The report examines the drivers and barriers to change within the Nigerian urban land management, planning, and governance situation. These are covered under the following sections: 1. Urban land, planning and governance regimes: An understanding of the historical factors which underpin Nigeria’s urban land administration, planning and governance system, and the current arrangements under the system including its challenges; 2. Urban development systems: Formal and informal urban development processes and outcomes as they exist and function in Nigeria, their strengths and weaknesses and recent urban development and management initiatives; 3. The perspectives of urban stakeholders. A discussion of views of key urban sector stakeholders’ from six Nigerian cities, in the context of the literature and recent initiatives and developments within the cities; 4. Conclusion: Contribution to policy debates and directions for future research. The interview schedule is included as an annex