Report / Donor

USAID_Fish for Livelihoods. Semi – Annual Report (Oct 2019 – Mar 2020)


In October, 2019 USAID awarded WorldFish a five-year activity, Small-scale Aquaculture Investments for Livelihoods in Myanmar, exclusively designed for small holders’ pond farmers and Households (HHs) for improved water and land use, production, livelihoods, and nutrition. The activity will be implemented in five geographical region/states including Mandalay, Magway, Sagaing, Kachin, and Shan. WorldFish is leading this activity, however, it will implement the interventions with several development and private sector partners; BRAC, IWMI, KMSS, PACT Myanmar, and Myanmar Fisheries Federation (MFF). The activity will lead towards three major results; increased small-scale aquaculture production, market system approach to increase access of farmers to food and safe fish, and enhanced nutrition and WASH practices behavior adoption. Fish for Livelihoods will target more than 10,000 aquaculture farmers, train them for better aquaculture practices, link them with major market actors, and provide them information through social behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy on the importance of diet-diverse nutritious food