Dataset / Tabular

Virtual Business Incubator Impact Evaluation 2012: Endline Survey (Tanzania)


The Tanzania Virtual Business Incubator is an intervention to support women's entrepreneurs through delivery of training and business development services (BDS). The objectives of the project were the following:

- To support the growth of women-owned businesses through delivery of BDS to strengthen their skills (financial literacy, market outreach, PD&D, etc.)

- To increase women's social and economic empowerment

- To improve women's well-being as well as their household and their children.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this pilot project, an impact evaluation study was conducted. The impact evaluation included two surveys: a baseline, conducted in July-August 2010 and an endline, administered in July-August 2012. The data collected from the surveys examined how business training affect enterprise outcomes of female entrepreneurs in Dar es Salaam. In addition, the impact evaluation compared the effectiveness of basic treatments and basic treatment with mentoring, and it also examined other dimensions of welfare from the treatment. The baseline survey comprised of 821 female entrepreneurs in Tanzania that were selected from the pool of applicants, and the follow-up survey interviewed 702 from the original pool.

The data for the Endline Survey is documented here.