Scientific Publication

‘VL Tamatar 4’: New Tomato Cultivar for Open-field and Greenhouse Cultivation


‘VL Tamatar 4’ (Solanum lycopersicum or Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a new tomato cultivar released for Agro-ecological Zone I (Uttarakhand, Northwest Himalaya, India). It was developed by a pure-line selection method from the exotic collection (EC-461691). It has an indeterminate growth habit. Fruits are smooth, round, and an attractive red color with 75 g average weight and having a thick pericarp resulting in a long storage life. It is suitable for cultivation under both open-field and greenhouse conditions as well. The average fruit yield was 20 to 30 tons per hectare and 55 to 65 tons per hectare under open-field and greenhouse conditions, respectively