Scientific Publication

What works to prevent violence against women with disabilities


Key findings on the evidence from research studies on violence against women with disabilities (WDD) and evidence from interventions to prevent violence are presented. They include: WWD are at increased risk for GBV due to the intersection of gender bias and disability stigma and discrimination. In order to develop appropriate responses and interventions to prevent violence and protect women with disabilities, we need to know the risk factors and context respond to them accordingly. Some violence and abuse prevention interventions for women with disabilities (WWD) have been developed. None of these prevention interventions demonstrate a decreased incidence of violence, and many lack rigorous planning, implementation and evaluation. There is only 1 published systematic review of the prevalence of violence against adults with disabilities – but does not include gender-based violence against women Much more research and innovation is needed to develop effective approaches to recognise and prevent violence against WWD, especially in low and middle income settings