World production of cereals, 1966-90
World production of cereals increased from 1966 to 1990, representing an average annual growth rate of 3.9 percent during the period. Although the developed market economies (DME) produced the bulk of world cereals, their share decreased from 54 percent in 1966 to 46 percent by 1990. At the same time, the developing countries' share in total production increased, primarily in Asia, which is the major contributor to cereal production. Paddy rice, 90 percent of which came from Asia, accounted for most of this gain. The shares of many other developing countries rose slightly, except Sub-Saharan African countries, which maintained a 3 percent share throughout the period. The authors examine trends in cereal production, sources of growth, and means of sustaining productivity growth The brief presents a list of innovations in policies required to sustain efforts toward greater productivity.