
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • The impact of interventions delivered through farmer producer organizations on agricultural and empowerment outcomes in India
    Poster / Presentation

    The impact of interventions delivered through farmer producer organizations on agricultural and empowerment outcomes in India

    Ray, Soumyajit; Raghunathan, Kalyani. 2023. The impact of interventions delivered through farmer producer organizations on agricultural and empowerment outcomes in India. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute
  • A conceptual framework of living labs for people: Fostering innovations for low emissions food systems and social equity
    Poster / Presentation

    A conceptual framework of living labs for people: Fostering innovations for low emissions food systems and social equity

    Rietveld, Anne M.; Haberman, Birgit; Nehring, Ryan; Wei Zhang; Falk, Thomas; Walter, Kibet. 2023. A conceptual framework of living labs for people: Fostering innovations for low emissions food systems and social equity. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
  • Poster / Presentation

    Strengthening women’s empowerment for better agricultural outcomes: qualitative and quantitative evidence from India and Guatemala

    Raghunathan, Kalyani. 2023. Strengthening women’s empowerment for better agricultural outcomes: qualitative and quantitative evidence from India and Guatemala. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Nexus among agricultural extension services, women’s empowerment in agriculture, and farm income in Bangladesh
    Poster / Presentation

    Nexus among agricultural extension services, women’s empowerment in agriculture, and farm income in Bangladesh

    Begum, Ismat Ara; Alam, Mohammad Jahangir; Sarma, Paresh Kumar; Cooper, Bethany; Crase, Lin; Sayem, Sheikh Mohammad. 2023. Nexus among agricultural extension services, women’s empowerment in agriculture, and farm income in Bangladesh. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • Poster / Presentation

    Resilience of rural women vendors in Bihar, India

    Veettil, Prakashan Chellattan; Gupta, Ishika; Choudhury, Samira. 2023. Resilience of rural women vendors in Bihar, India. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Rice Research Institute
  • EMIC definitions of empowerment for just development: Learnings from a Kenya case study
    Poster / Presentation

    EMIC definitions of empowerment for just development: Learnings from a Kenya case study

    Zaremba, Haley; Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh; Djurfeldt, Nadia Guettou; North, Hanna; Slavchevska, Vanya; Giaquinto, Annarita Macchioni. 2023. EMIC definitions of empowerment for just development: Learnings from a Kenya case study. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
  • Understanding empowerment of ethnic minority groups in Northern Vietnam using Pro-WEAI
    Poster / Presentation

    Understanding empowerment of ethnic minority groups in Northern Vietnam using Pro-WEAI

    Lan Nguyen T.T.; Berg, Marrit van den; Stomph, TjeerdJan; Nabuuma, Deborah. 2023. Understanding empowerment of ethnic minority groups in Northern Vietnam using Pro-WEAI. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
  • Developing a women’s empowerment in energy index: Conceptual framework and empirical evidence
    Poster / Presentation

    Developing a women’s empowerment in energy index: Conceptual framework and empirical evidence

    Alvi, Muzna; Vemireddy, Vidya; Ringler, Claudia; Tank, Nikita. 2023. Developing a women’s empowerment in energy index: Conceptual framework and empirical evidence. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Identifying pathways that affect the relationship between empowerment and economic outcomes
    Poster / Presentation

    Identifying pathways that affect the relationship between empowerment and economic outcomes

    Paz, Florencia; Heckert, Jessica; Seymour, Greg; Raghunathan, Kalyani. 2023. Identifying pathways that affect the relationship between empowerment and economic outcomes. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Unleashing Gender Transformative Change through Household Level Gender Exercise
    Poster / Presentation

    Unleashing Gender Transformative Change through Household Level Gender Exercise

    Haque, S.M. Faridul. 2023. Unleashing Gender Transformative Change through Household Level Gender Exercise. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Fertilizer Development Center
  • Poster / Presentation

    Fisheries Sector and Women in Bangladesh

    Ali, Mir Mohammad. 2023. Fisheries Sector and Women in Bangladesh. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
  • Gendered decision-making and the drivers of seed choice in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
    Poster / Presentation

    Gendered decision-making and the drivers of seed choice in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

    Goundla, Mamatha; Rajshekar, G.; Ramanjaneyulu, G.V.; Veluguri, Divya. 2023. Gendered decision-making and the drivers of seed choice in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Center for Sustainable Agriculture, India
  • Adopting a gender-transformative approach (GTA) to increase dietary diversity and decision-making of women: Evidence from a nutrition-sensitive intervention in Bangladesh
    Poster / Presentation

    Adopting a gender-transformative approach (GTA) to increase dietary diversity and decision-making of women: Evidence from a nutrition-sensitive intervention in Bangladesh

    Nahar, Kamrun; Mahfuzul Haque, A.B.M.; Hossain, Mohammad Mokarrom. 2023. Adopting a gender-transformative approach (GTA) to increase dietary diversity and decision-making of women: Evidence from a nutrition-sensitive intervention in Bangladesh. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. WorldFish
  • Gendered division of family and hired labor and agricultural productivity in India
    Poster / Presentation

    Gendered division of family and hired labor and agricultural productivity in India

    Gulati, Kajal; Saha, Koustuv; Lybbert, Travis. 2023. Gendered division of family and hired labor and agricultural productivity in India. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. University of California
  • Supporting tools for participatory mapping
    Poster / Presentation

    Supporting tools for participatory mapping

    Vu, H.T. 2022. Supporting tools for participatory mapping. Presented at Training workshop on Mapping Climate-risks and Adaptation Plans using CS-MAP Approach, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 19-20 December 2022. Hanoi, Vietnam: IRRI.
  • Framework for climate resilience in food systems with a gendered lens
    Poster / Presentation

    Framework for climate resilience in food systems with a gendered lens

    Tank, Nikita; Drishti Vishwanath, Drishti; Choudhary, Anjali. 2023. Framework for climate resilience in food systems with a gendered lens. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Indian Institute of Management
  • Addressing gendered maize seed and trait preferences in Kenya
    Poster / Presentation

    Addressing gendered maize seed and trait preferences in Kenya

    Medina, Mariana Garcia; Almekinders, Conny; Donovan, Jason. 2023. Addressing gendered maize seed and trait preferences in Kenya. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center