Identifying chronically deprivedcountries: results from cluster analysis, CPRC Working Paper No. 70, IDPM/Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC), Manchester, UK, ISBN 1-904049-69-9, 47 pp. + 4 annexes
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Oseni, G.; Corral, P.; Goldstein, M.; Winters, P. Explaining gender differentials in agricultural production in Nigeria. World Bank, Washington DC, USA (2014) 59 pp. (Policy Research working paper No. WPS6809)
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Banhoro, Y.; Debevec, Liza. 2020. Analyse de textes legislatifs et reglementaires concernant la reforme du systeme de gestion des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain au Burkina Faso. In French. [Analysis of legislative and regulatory texts concerning the reform of the management system of drinking water supply infrastructures in rural and semi-urban areas in Burkina Faso]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 29p. (IWMI Working Paper 190 / Document de travail IWMI 190)
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McMillan, Margaret; Rodrik, Dani; Sepúlveda, Claudia, 'Structural change, fundamentals and growth: A framework and case studies', NBER Working Paper No. 23378, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, 2017
Flores-Macias, G.A. Building Support for Taxation in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Mexico. ICTD Working Paper 51. The International Centre for Tax and Development at the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK (2016) 31 pp. ISBN 978-1-78118-296-3
Guerrero, G.; Leon, J.; Rosales, E.; Zapata, M.; Freire, S.; Saldarriaga, V.; Cueto, S. Young Lives Working Paper 92. Young Lives School Survey in Peru: Design and Initial Findings. Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2012) 72 pp. ISBN 978-1-909403-04-8
Buss, T.F. Foreign aid and the failure of state building in Haiti under the Duvaliers, Aristide, Préval, and Martelly. UNU-WIDER, Helsinki, Finland (2013) 48 pp. ISBN 978-92-9230-681-6 (WIDER Working Paper No. 2013/104)
Escobal, J. Young Lives Working Paper 79. Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality of Opportunity in Peru: Taking Advantage of the Longitudinal Dimension of Young Lives. Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2012) 47 pp. ISBN 978-1-904427-90-2
Chisari, O.O; Romero, C.A.; Timilsina, G. Potential Gains and Losses of Biofuel Production in Argentina: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. World Bank, Washington DC, USA (2012) 38 pp. (Policy Research Working Paper 6124; DOI: 10.1596/1813-9450-6124)
Villalobos Barría, C.; Klasen, S. IRIBA Working Paper 05: The Impact of SENAI’s Vocational Training Programme on Employment, Wages, and Mobility in Brazil: What Lessons for Sub Saharan Africa? International Research Initiative on Brazil and Africa (IRIBA), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (2014) 56 pp
Barrientos, A.; Amann, E. Is There a Brazilian Model of Development?: Are There Lessons for Countries in Africa? UNU-WIDER, Helsinki, Finland (2014) 22 pp. ISBN 978-92-9230-855-1 (WIDER Working Paper No. 2014/134)
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