Scientific Publication
Yield Response of an Ensemble of Potato Crop Models to Elevated CO2 in Continental Europe
Fleisher, D. H., Condori, B., Barreda, C., Berguijs, H., Bindi, M., Boote, K., Craigon, J., Evert, F. V., Fangmeier, A., Ferrise, R., Gayler, S., Hoogenboom, G., Merante, P., Nendel, C., Ninanya, J., Pleijel, H., Raes, D., Ramírez, D. A., Raymundo, R., Reidsma, Y., Vasco, J., Stockle, C., Supit, I., Stella, T., Vandermeiren, K., van Oort, P.A.J., Vanuytrecht, E., Vorne, V., Wolf, J. 2021. Yield Response of an Ensemble of Potato Crop Models to Elevated CO2 in Continental Europe. European Journal of Agronomy. ISSN: 1873-7331. 126, 126265. 13 p.