Enciso, K., Sotelo, M., Peters, M., Burkart, S. (2018). The inclusion of Leucaena deversifolia in Colombian cattle systems: An economic perpective. In: International Leucaena Conference November 13-2018. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). 12 p.
Enciso, K., Sotelo, M., Peters, M., Burkart, S. (2018). The inclusion of Leucaena diversifolia in Colombian cattle systems: An economic perspective. In: International Leucaena Conference November 13-2018. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). 1 p.
Lemma, M. 2021. Women's empowerment and youth inclusion: Key lessons, scaling requirements and quick-win actions for Ethiopia sheep and goat value chains . Presented at the SmaRT Ethiopia Workshop on consolidating and capitalizing on experiences, Addis Ababa, 2 November 2021. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI
Smith, J.W. 2017. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace—The future for CGIAR. Presented at the CGIAR Diversity and Inclusion Conference, ICRAF, Nairobi, 2–3 February 2017. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Mora, A. 2014. Género en cadenas de valor ganadería de doble propósito en Nicaragua. Presented at Taller de Planificación de Cadenas de Valor de Ganado en Nicaragua, Managua, 5-6 de agosto de 2014. Managua, Nicaragua: CIAT.
Njehu, A., Omore, A. and Galie, A. 2017. Reinforcing participation of women in dairy production and marketing in Tanzania. Poster prepared for the Maziwa Zaidi Policy Forum, Dar es Salaam, 23-24 May 2017. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
De, Anusha, Campenhout, Bjorn van. 2021. WE1.2: Gendered perceptions in Maize supply chains: Evidence from Uganda. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Quisumbing, Agnes, Ahmed, Akhter, Hoddinott, John, Pereira, Audrey, Roy, Shalini. 2021. WE4.2: Designing for empowerment impact in agricultural development projects: Experimental evidence from the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) Project, Bangladesh. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/117064
Gupta, Soumya, Seth, Payal, Vemireddy, Vidya, Pingali, Prabhu. 2021. TH1.3: Women's empowerment, structural transformation and intrahousehold food allocation: evidence from India. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Tefy, Irina Andrianina, Mujawamariya, Gaudiose. 2021. TH2.3: A gendered assessment of production and technical efficiency for rice in Vakinankaratra region, Madagascar. Poster presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Ruano-Chamorro, Christina, Jacqueline Lau and Karl Deering. 2021. FR1.1: Advancing gender equality in coral reefs socio-ecological systems. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Lawless, Sarah. 2021. TH1.2: Diluting gender equality: the case of small-scale fisheries. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Burg, Margreet van der. 2021. FR2.1: Gender equality - A strengthened commitment in Horizon Europe. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.
Chanana, Nitya, Ma, Stephanie, Huyer, Sophia. 2021. WE1.1: Gender and Climate Resilient Agriculture: A scoping review. Presentation at the Cultivating equality conference, 12-15 October 2021.