Poster / Presentation
Livestockplus: Supporting low emissions development in the Latin American cattle sector
Arango J; Rao IM; Rosenstock T; Tapasco J; Twyman J; Barahona R; Bolivar D; Villanueva C; Chacón M; Vivas N; Gaviria X; Gonzales R; Durango S; Torres F; Ku Vera J; Murgueitio E; Chará J; Molina IC; Suber M; Villegas D; Urrea JL. & Chirinda N. (2019). Livestockplus: Supporting low emissions development in the Latin American cattle sector. In: TropenTag 2019, September 18-20 2019, Kasel, Germany. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). 1p.