
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • FR2.2: Gender assessement of Potato Traits: A G+ Product Profiling application
    Poster / Presentation

    FR2.2: Gender assessement of Potato Traits: A G+ Product Profiling application

    Mwende, J.; Mayanja, Sarah; Nyaga,J.; Sinelle, S.; Renou, C.; Onyango, C.; Hareau, G.; Polar, V.; Ashby, J.; Okello, J. 2022. Gender assessement of Potato Traits: A G+ Product Profiling application. Presented a the CGIAR GENDER Science Exchange, Nairobi, 12-14 October 2022. Lima: International Potato Center
  • Introduction to the CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative
    Poster / Presentation

    Introduction to the CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative

    Thiele, Graham. 2018. Introduction to the CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative. This presentation was given during a webinar on May 17, 2018. This is the first of these presentations, given by Graham Thiele (RTB). Lima: International Potato Center
  • Indicators of gendered control over agricultural resources
    Poster / Presentation

    Indicators of gendered control over agricultural resources

    Rao, Smriti. 2016. Indicators of gendered control over agricultural resources. This was the 4th in a series of webinars developed by the CGIAR Gender and Agriculture Research Network. This webinar was based on a recently released working paper. It was presented by Smriti Rao who prepared the working paper and moderated by Cheryl Doss from the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets. Assumption College
  • The long road to structural transformation: women's labour force participation and employment opportunities in rural areas
    Poster / Presentation

    The long road to structural transformation: women's labour force participation and employment opportunities in rural areas

    Verick, S. 2022. The long road to structural transformation: women's labour force participation and employment opportunities in rural areas. Presented at the 62nd Indian Society of Labour Economics Conference (Agri-food systems transformations in the Global South: R4D priorities for gender-equal and youth-inclusive employment and livelihoods), April 12th, 2022. Geneva: International Labour Organization
  • Gender inequalities in the Colombian cattle sector: An econometric analysis
    Poster / Presentation

    Gender inequalities in the Colombian cattle sector: An econometric analysis

    Pirela-Rios, A.; Díaz, M.F.; Enciso, K.; Triana-Ángel, N.; Burkart, S. (2022) Gender inequalities in the Colombian cattle sector: an econometric analysis. Poster prepared for Tropentag 2022 - Can Agroecological Farming Feed the World? Farmers' and Academia's Views. Prague, Czech Republic, 14-16 September 2022. Cali (Colombia): Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT. 1 p.
  • CGIAR gender evaluation introduction
    Poster / Presentation

    CGIAR gender evaluation introduction

    Bedouin, Rachel. 2017. CGIAR gender evaluation introduction. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Rome: CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement
  • Diversity and Inclusion
    Poster / Presentation

    Diversity and Inclusion

    Simons, Tony. 2017. Diversity and Inclusion. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre
  • Maximising the power of diversity and inclusion within the CGIAR family
    Poster / Presentation

    Maximising the power of diversity and inclusion within the CGIAR family

    Vaughan, Kathleen. 2017. Maximising the power of diversity and inclusion within the CGIAR family. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017 QED Consulting
  • CGIAR gender evaluation results
    Poster / Presentation

    CGIAR gender evaluation results

    Merrill Sands, Deborah. 2017. CGIAR gender evaluation results. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Rome: CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement
  • Participatory mapping of ecosystem services and livelihood impacts in agricultural landscapes
    Poster / Presentation

    Participatory mapping of ecosystem services and livelihood impacts in agricultural landscapes

    Braslow, Juliet; Cordingley, Justine; Snyder, Katherine. 2016. Participatory mapping of ecosystem services and livelihood impacts in agricultural landscapes. Presented at the African Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference: Ecosystem Services for SDGs in Africa. November 23, 2016. Nairobi, Kenya. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).