Burrow, M.P.N.; Petts, R.C.; Snaith, M.S.; Evdorides, H.; Ghataora, G.S. Protocol - Technology selection and its sustainability for low volume, rural road in low-income countries. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK (2014) 15 pp
Untiveros, Milton; Olspert, Allan; Artola, Katrin; Firth, Andrew; Kreuze, Jan; Valkonen, Jari, 2018, "Replication data for: A novel sweet potato potyvirus open reading frame (ORF) is expressed via polymerase slippage and suppresses RNA silencing", https://doi.org/10.21223/P3/3AZYQO, International Potato Center, V1
Cueto, S.; Guerrero, G.; Leon, J.; Sugimaru, C. Protocol - What works to improve teacher attendance in developing countries? Grade, Lima, Peru (2010) 20 pp
Sijmons K, Kiplimo J, Förch W, Thornton PK, Radeny M, Kinyangi J. 2013. CCAFS site atlas – Makueni / Wote. CCAFS Site Atlas Series. Copenhagen, Denmark: The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Carr-Hill, R.; Rolleston, C.; Pherali, T.; Schendel, R. Protocol: The Effects of School-Based Decision Making on Educational Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Contexts: A Systematic Review. Campbell Collaboration, Oslo, Norway (2014) 46 pp
Copestake, J. G.; Duvendack, M.; Hooper, L.; Loke, Y.; Palmer-Jones, R.; Rao, N. Protocol - What is the Evidence of the Impact of Micro-credit on the Incomes of Poor People? School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (2010) 30 pp
Kingdon, G.; Aslam, M.; Rawal, S.; Das, S. Are contract and para-teachers a cost effective intervention to address teachershortages and improve learning outcomes? Protocol. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK (2012) 26 pp