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Tanner, J.C., Harris, P., Lekasi, J. and Kimani, S. 2000. Manure management in the Kenya Highlands: Collection strategies to enhance fertiliser quality and quantity. Final Technical Report for project R6731. Coventry: The Henry Doubleday Research Association, UK, 121 pp
Marco Institucional, Normativo y Político para elManejo y Comercialización de ProductosForestales No Maderables en México, United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge, UK, 55 pp
Barrett, A. Review of the World Bank progress report for the water resources sector strategy. Final Report, May 2010. DEW Point, Blisworth, UK (2010) 7 pp
Sutherland, D. Sustainable groundwater irrigation technology management within and between the public and private sectors: Guidelines of good practice based on the experiences of Bangladesh and Pakistan. Cranfield University, UK (1999) 73 pp
Final technical report - Modelling and measuring N and C dynamics in agroforestry systems in the humid tropics: test of the safety-net role of deep-rooted trees, Wye College, Wye, UK, 60 pp
Brown, D. and Amanor, K. 2002. Poverty dimensions of public governance and forest management in Ghana. Final Technical Report for project R7957. London: ODI, UK, 88 pp
Mahoo, H. 2005. Improving management of common pool resources in rainwater harvesting systems. Scientific report. Annex A in the Final Technical Report for project R8116. Morogoro, Tanzania: Soil and Water Resources Management Group, Sokoine University of Agriculture. 38 pp
Bleahu, A.; Janowski, M. Rural Non-Farm Livelihood Activities In Romania: A Report On QualitativeFieldwork In Two Communities. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2002) 52 pp. (NRI Report No: 2725)