
Scientific Publication

Trends in Malawian Smallholder Dairy Farming

Thomson, S. Trends in Malawian Smallholder Dairy Farming. Presented at the ESRC Festival Event 'Malawi: building a sustainable dairy farming sector' 4 November 2013, Edinburgh Botanic Garden. (2013) 1 pp
Scientific Publication

Onchocerciasis: the pre-control association between prevalence of palpable nodules and skin microfilariae

Coffeng, L.E.; Pion, S.D.S.; O’Hanlon, S.; Cousens, S.; Abiose. A.O.; Fischer, P.U.; Remme, J.H.F.; Dadzie, B.; Murdoch, M.E.; de Vlas, S.J.; Basáñez, M.G.; Stolk, W.A.; Boussinesq, M. Onchocerciasis: the pre-control association between prevalence of palpable nodules and skin microfilariae. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2013) 7 (4) e2168. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002168)
Briefing note: Building on farmers' perception and traditional knowledge: biodiversity management for climate change adaptation strategies
Working Paper

Briefing note: Building on farmers' perception and traditional knowledge: biodiversity management for climate change adaptation strategies

Bioversity International; Asociación para la Naturaleza y el Desarrollo Sostenible; Community Technology Development Trust; Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment; Oxfam-Novib (2013) Briefing note: Building on farmers' perception and traditional knowledge: biodiversity management for climate change adaptation strategies. n. 20 p.
Scientific Publication

Understanding the incremental cost of increasing access to maternal health care services: Perspectives from a Voucher Scheme in Eastern Uganda

Chrispus Mayora, Elizabeth Ekirapa-Kiracho, David Bishai, David H Peters, Olico Okui and Sebastian Olikira Baine. Incremental cost of increasing access to maternal health care services: perspectives from a demand and supply side intervention in Eastern Uganda. Cost Effectiveness and Resoure Allocation 2014; 12: 14. doi: 10.1186/1478-7547-12-14
Book / Monograph

Dull Disasters? How Planning Ahead Will Make a Difference

Clarke, Daniel J.; Dercon, Stefan. Dull Disasters? : How Planning Ahead Will Make a Difference. Oxford University Press, New York (2016) xiv, 139p License: CC BY 3.0 IGO
Report / Case study

Women engaging in transactional sex and working in prostitution: Practices and underlying factors of the sex trade in South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mwapu, I.; Hilhorst, D.; Mashanda, M.; Bahananga, M.; Mugenzi, R. Women engaging in transactional sex and working in prostitution: Practices and underlying factors of the sex trade in South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK (2016) 68 pp. (SLRC Report 10)
Scientific Publication


Economía.1985. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Programa de Frijol: Informe Anual 1984 . CIAT, Cali, CO. p. 185-202. (Documento de trabajo no. 8)
Scientific Publication

Diagnostique spécifique - haricot commun - à Walungu

Musungayi, T.; Sperling, Louise; Graf, Willi; Lunze, Lubanga. 1992. Diagnostique spécifique - haricot commun - à Walungu. In: Nzimenya, Isidor; Graf, Willi; Scheidegger, Urs C. (eds.). Seminaire Regional sur l`Amelioration du Haricot dans la Region des Grands Lacs (5. : 1992 : Bujumbura, Burundi). Actes. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Programme Régional pour l`Amélioration du Haricot dans la Région des Grands Lacs, Butare, RW. p. 122-126. (CIAT African workshop series no. 16)
Spore, issue 75
Periodical / Magazine

Spore, issue 75

CTA. 1998. Spore, issue 75. Wageningen: CTA.
Magazine or Press item

Off to the fair

CTA. 1999. Off to the fair. Spore 81. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.