
Working Paper

Identifying priority value chains in Tanzania

Thurlow, James; Randriamamonjy, Josee; Benson, Todd, 'Identifying priority value chains in Tanzania', Michigan State University; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), East Lansing, MI, 2018
Scientific Publication

HIV/AIDS and rural food security in Africa

Frayne, Bruce, 'HIV/AIDS and rural food security in Africa', Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 28(3), pp. 458-460, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006
Antibodies against MERS Coronavirus in Dromedary Camels, Kenya, 1992–2013
Scientific Publication

Antibodies against MERS Coronavirus in Dromedary Camels, Kenya, 1992–2013

Victor M Corman, Joerg Jores, Benjamin Meyer, Mario Younan, Anne Liljander, Mohammed Said, Ilona Gluecks, Erik Lattwein, Jan Felix Drexler, Set Bornstein, Christian Drosten, Marcel A. Müller. (31/8/2014). Antibodies against MERS Coronavirus in Dromedary Camels, Kenya, 1992–2013. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20 (8), pp. 1319-1322
Scientific Publication

Genetic and economic evaluation of alternative breeding scenarios for community based productivity improvements of three indigenous goat breeds in Ethiopia

Temesgen Jembere, Barbara Rischkowsky, Tadelle Dessie, Kefelegn Kebede, Ally Okeyo Mwai, Tadele Mirkena, Aynalem Haile. (1/9/2019). Genetic and economic evaluation of alternative breeding scenarios for community based productivity improvements of three indigenous goat breeds in Ethiopia. Small Ruminant Research, 178, pp. 46-54
Scientific Publication

The wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Morocco

Patrick Lhomme, Denis Michez, Stefanie Christmann, Erwin Scheuchl, Insafe El Abdouni, Laila Hamroud, Oumayma Ihsane, Ahlam Sentil, Moulay Chrif Smaili, Maximilian Schwarz, Holger H. Dathe, Jakub Straka, Alain Pauly, Christian Schmid-Egger, Sebastien Patiny, Michael Terzo, Andreas Müller, Christophe Praz, Stephan Risch, Max Kasparek, Michael Kuhlmann, Thomas J. Wood, Petr Bogusch, John S. Ascher, Pierre Rasmont. (7/12/2020). The wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Morocco. Zootaxa, 4892 (1)
Scientific Publication

Market survey

Poulton, C., Ogolla, G. and Gitau, M. 2005. Market survey. Annex D of the Final Technical Report of project R7962. London: Imperial College London and Kisumu, Kenya: KEFRI. 31 pp
Scientific Publication

Cassava post-harvest physiological deterioration genes

Reilly, K.; Cortes, D.; Gomez-Vaquez, R.; Tohme, J.; Beeching, J.R. Cassava post-harvest physiological deterioration genes. Presented at Thirteenth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Arusha, Tanzania, 9-14 September, 2003. (2004) 22 pp