
Scientific Publication

Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and adolescent wellbeing: evidence from the GAGE study

Araya, M., Hamory Hicks, J., Baird, S., Jones, N. (accepted in 2018) ‘Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme and adolescent wellbeing: evidence from the GAGE study’ in Lawson, D., Angemi, D. and Kasirye, I. (eds.) What Works for Africa’s Poorest Children? Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Scientific Publication

Climate-smart perennial systems

Jassogne, L.; van Asten, P.; Laderach, P.; Craparo, A.; Wanyama, I.; Nibasumba, A.; Bielders, C. Climate-smart perennial systems. IITA Research for Development Review (2013) (9) 12-16
Report / Case study

Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research. Case study: Pakistan

Watson, C., Lone, T., Qazi, U., Smith, G. and Rashid, F. (2017) Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research. Case study: Pakistan. Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK Watson, C., Lone, T. and Barca, V. (2017) Building on social protection systems for effective disaster response: the Pakistan experience. Policy brief, Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK