
Scientific Publication

Global irrigated area map (GIAM), derived from remote sensing, for the end of the last millennium

Thenkabail, P. S.; Biradar, C. M.; Noojipady, P.; Dheeravath, V.; Li, Yuan Jie; Velpuri, N. M.; Gumma, Murali Krishna; Gangalakunta, O. R. P.; Turral, H.; Cai, Xueliang; Vithanage, Jagath; Schull, M. A.; Dutta, R. 2009. Global irrigated area map (GIAM), derived from remote sensing, for the end of the last millennium. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(14):3679-3733. doi:

Water Figures Africa: news of IWMI's work in Africa

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2006. Water Figures Africa: news of IWMI's work in Africa. Water Figures Africa: news of IWMI's work in Africa, 1. 8p. doi:

National report of Ghana

Nutsukpo, D.; Amoah, Philip. 2012. National report of Ghana. In Ardakanian, R.; Sewilam, H.; Liebe, J. (Eds.). Mid-term-proceedings on capacity development for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture: a collaboration of UN-Water members and partners - FAO, WHO, UNEP, UNU-INWEH, UNW-DPC, ICID, IWMI. [Project report]. Bonn, Germany: United Nations University. UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC). pp.77-95. (UNW-DPC Proceedings Series No. 8)
Synthesis of MENAdrought development of drought mitigation, preparedness and response management plans: final report

Synthesis of MENAdrought development of drought mitigation, preparedness and response management plans: final report

Jobbins, G.; Belhaj Fraj, Makram; Fragaszy, Stephen; Ghanim, A.; Al-Karablieh, E.; Fakih, M.; Yessef, M.; Khatabi, A.; Hayes, M.; Knutson, C.; Jedd, T.; Svoboda, M.; Ruckstuhl, Sandra; McDonnell, Rachael. 2022. Synthesis of MENAdrought development of drought mitigation, preparedness and response management plans: final report. Project report prepared by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) for the Bureau for the Middle East of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Washington, DC, USA: USAID; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 95p. [doi:]
Working Paper

Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia

Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Merrey, Douglas; Kamara, Abdul; van Koppen, Barbara; Penning de Vries, Frits; Boelee, Eline. 2005. Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). x, 86p. (IWMI Working Paper 098) doi:
Scientific Publication

Integrated soil fertility management: maximizing the fertilizer use efficiency towards sustainable intensification of smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

Vanlauwe, B., Ampadu-Boakye, T., Chernet, M., Coyne, D., Nziguheba, G., Pypers, P., ... & Taulya, G. (2021). Integrated soil fertility management: maximizing the fertilizer use efficiency towards sustainable intensification of smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. In I. Amsallem and M. Hubert, Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems. Montpellier: Agropolis International (p. 130-130).
Scientific Publication

Cytogenetics and crop improvement

Bai, K.V. & Hahn, S.K. (1992). Cytogenetics and crop improvement. In: G. Thottappilly, L.M. Monti, D.R. Mohan-Raj and A.W. Moore, Biotechnology: enhancing research on tropical crops in Africa. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA, (p. 81-88).
Scientific Publication

Effectiveness of the polyethylene plastic mulch as a control measure against sweet potato weevils (Cylas spp., Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Lema, K., Osiru, D. & Hahn, S.K. (1994). Effectiveness of the polyethylene plastic mulch as a control measure against sweet potato weevils (Cylas spp., Coleoptera: Curculionidae). In M.O. Akoroda (Ed.), Root crops for food security in Africa: proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-African Branch 22-28 November 1992, Kampala, Uganda: IITA, (p. 302-306).
solGS: a webbased tool for genomic selection
Scientific Publication

solGS: a webbased tool for genomic selection

Tecle, I. Y., Edwards, J. D., Menda, N., Egesi, C., Rabbi, I. Y., Kulakow, P., ... & Mueller, L. A. (2014). solGS: a web-based tool for genomic selection. BMC Bioinformatics, 15(1), 398.
Scientific Publication

Got matooke (Musa spp.) for christmas?

Birabwa, R., Van Asten, P.J.A., Alou, I.N. & Taulya, G. (2010). Got matooke (Musa spp.) for Christmas? In IV International Symposium on Banana: International Conference on Banana and Plantain in Africa. Acta Horticulturae, 879, 113-121.
Dataset / Tabular

Advanced yield trial Set A in Ibadan using 20 accessions. 15 selected from 17.GS.C0.C1.AYT.58.IK,17.GS.C0.C1.AYT.58.IB and 17.GS.C0.C1.AYT.58.UB .Best 5 selected from each locations and five checks

Kulakow, Peter; Ismail Rabbi, 'Advanced yield trial Set A in Ibadan using 20 accessions. 15 selected from 17.GS.C0.C1.AYT.58.IK,17.GS.C0.C1.AYT.58.IB and 17.GS.C0.C1.AYT.58.UB .Best 5 selected from each locations and five checks', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2018