
Scientific Publication

Mining Sector Taxation in Tanzania

Muganyizi, T.K. Mining Sector Taxation in Tanzania. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK (2012) 36 pp. ISBN 978-1-78118-086-0 (ICTD Research Report 1)

GSP graduation: will it reduce poverty?

Stevens, C.; Bird, K.; Keane, J.; Kennan, J.; Velde, D. W. te; Higgins, K. GSP graduation: will it reduce poverty? ODI Project Briefings (2011) No. 67, 4 pp
Scientific Publication

Risk factors for fetal anaemia in a malarious area of Malawi

Brabin, B.J.; Broadhead, R.L.; Chimsuku, L.H.; Kalanda, B.F.; Verhoeff, F.H. Risk factors for fetal anaemia in a malarious area of Malawi. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics (2004) 24 (4) 311-321. (DOI: 10.1179/027249304225019136)
Learning Large-Scale Dynamic Discrete Choice Models of Spatio-Temporal Preferences with Application to Migratory Pastoralism in East Africa

Learning Large-Scale Dynamic Discrete Choice Models of Spatio-Temporal Preferences with Application to Migratory Pastoralism in East Africa

Stefano Ermon, Yexiang Xue, Russell Toth, Bistra Dilkina, Richard Bernstein, Theodoros Damoulas, Patrick E. Clark, Steve De Gloria, Andrew Mude, Christopher Barrett, Carla P. Gomes. (1/9/2015). Learning Large-Scale Dynamic Discrete Choice Models of Spatio-Temporal Preferences with Application to Migratory Pastoralism in East Africa. Palo Alto, United States: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Report / Case study

Tanzania talks climate

Pauker, E. Tanzania talks climate. BBC World Service Trust, London, UK (2010) 15 pp
Working Paper

PN17. Baseline Report on the Geology of the Limpopo Basin Area

Baseline Report on the Geology of the Limpopo Basin Area,a contribution to the Challenge Program on Water and Food Project 17 “Integrated Water Resource Management forImproved Rural Livelihoods: Managing risk, mitigating drought and improving water productivity in the water scarceLimpopo Basin”. WaterNet Working Paper 7. WaterNet, Harare. 44 pp