
Scientific Publication

Glomerular dysfunction and associated risk factors through four years following initiation of ART in adults with HIV infection in Africa in the DART trial

Reid, A.; Stohr, W.; Walker, A.S.; Hakim, J; Ssali, F; Munderi, P; Lutwama, F; Kityo, C.; Grosskurth, H.; Gilks, C.F.; Gibb, D.M. Glomerular dysfunction and associated risk factors through four years following initiation of ART in adults with HIV infection in Africa in the DART trial. Presented at the 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-22 July 2009. (2009) 1 pp
Report / Technical

PN59 Final Report. Nile Basin Focal Project

Abdel Neguid, M.; Mukherji, A.; van Breugel, P.; Cascão, A.; Coniff, K.; El-Naggar, G.; Kinyangi, J.; Molden, D.; Notenbaert, A.; Seyoum Demise, S.; Peden, D.; Rebelo, L.M.; Awulachew, S.B.; Mohamed, Y. PN59 Final Report. Nile Basin Focal Project. The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2009) 149 pp
Scientific Publication

The profitability of manure use on maize in the small-holder sector of Zimbabwe

Mutiro, K.; Murwira, Herbert K. 2003. The profitability of manure use on maize in the small-holder sector of Zimbabwe. In: Bationo, André (ed.). Managing nutrient cycles to sustain soil fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. Academy Science Publishers (ASP); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Nairobi, KE. p. 571-582.
Dataset / Tabular

Data on Changing Perception through a Participatory Approach by Involving Adolescent School Children in Evaluating Smart Food Dishes in School Feeding Programs – Real-Time Experience from Central and Northern Tanzania

Christine Wangari; Catherine Mwema; Moses Siambia; Said Silim; Rose Ubwe; Kathleen Malesi; Seetha Anitha; Joanna Kane-Potaka, 2020, "Data on Changing Perception through a Participatory Approach by Involving Adolescent School Children in Evaluating Smart Food Dishes in School Feeding Programs – Real-Time Experience from Central and Northern Tanzania",, ICRISAT Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:p+buJ1RVU9zlG5g471K4/A== [fileUNF]

Policy Brief No. 1. Assessing the poverty impact of voluntary sustainability standards in global tea and cocoa value chains: Key findings of a 4 year study

Nelson, V.; Martin, A.; Stathers, T.; Narayanan, L.; Conroy, C.; Saravanan, S.; Saravanan, R.; Saravana Kumar; Balamurugan; Poornakumar; Gathuthi, C.; Posthumus, H.; Cepeda, D.; Opoku, K.; Pound, B.; Bugri, J.; Young, S.; Augustt, E.; Agyare-Kwabi, P.; Djandoh, A.; Kleih, U.; Kamau, E.; Gichoci, A.; Kokonya, M.; Umidha, N.; Irimu, V.; Muhoro, A.; Cepeda, D.; Cabascango, D.; Kajman, G.; Chile, M.; Caza, G.; Mejia, I.; Montenegro, F.; Ruup, L.; Velastegui, G.A.; Tiaguaro, Y.; Valverde, M.; Ojeda, A. Policy Brief No. 1. Assessing the poverty impact of voluntary sustainability standards in global tea and cocoa value chains: Key findings of a 4 year study. Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, London, UK (2014) 5 pp