
Poster / Presentation

Safe Food, Fair Food: Summary of findings within sheep value chains in the Atsbi and Abergelle districts of the Ethiopian Highlands

Rischkowsky, B., Dewe, T. and Roesel, K. 2013. Safe Food, Fair Food: Summary of findings within sheep value chains in the Atsbi and Abergelle districts of the Ethiopian Highlands. Presented at the Multi-stakeholder Workshop for Targeting Action Research on Atsbi sheep and Abergelle goat Value Chains in Tigray, Ethiopia, Mekelle, 19-20 March 2013. Addis Ababa: CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish.

Shaping Social Change with Music in Maputo, Mozambique

Taela, K.; Gonçalves, E.; Maivasse, C. and Manhiça, A. (2021) ‘Shaping Social Change with Music in Maputo, Mozambique’, IDS Policy Briefing 173, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/IDS.2021.020
Scientific Publication

Horn of Africa and Red Sea Synthesis Paper

De Waal, Alex (2017) Horn of Africa and Red Sea synthesis paper. Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Scientific Publication

Genetic Dissection of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea

Mahendar Thudi; Upadhyaya, H.D.; Rathore, A.; Gaur, P.M.; Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy; Roorkiwal, M.; Nayak, S.N.; Chaturvedi, S.K.; Basu, P.S.; Gangarao, N.V.P.R.; Fikre, A.; Kimurto, P.; Sharma, P.C.; Sheshashayee, M.S.; Tobita, S.; Kashiwagi, J.; Ito, O.; Killian, A.; Varshney, R.K. Genetic Dissection of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea through Genome-Wide and Candidate Gene-Based Association Mapping Approaches. PLoS ONE (2014) 9 (5) e96758. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096758)
Working Paper

Evaluation of an adolescent development program for girls in Tanzania

Buehren, Niklas; Goldstein, Markus P.; Gulesci, Selim; Sulaiman, Munshi; Yam,Venus.2017. Evaluation of an adolescent development program for girls in Tanzania (English). Policy Research working paper;no. WPS 7961;Impact Evaluation series Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group
Dataset / Tabular

Tamasa Nutrient Omission Trial Ethiopia 2015-6

Kebede,Mesfin, 2020, "Tamasa Nutrient Omission Trial Ethiopia 2015-6",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V2
Major Potato Varieties in Ethiopia

Major Potato Varieties in Ethiopia

Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute. Major Potato Varieties in Ethiopia. International Potato Center.