
Survey Questionnaire for Gender-responsive Farm-household Typologies, Innovation adoptions, Impacts of Legume-based Technological Interventions on Small Holder Production and Livelihood Performance in Lentil-Chickpea Zones of North-Shewa Amhara region, Highlands of Ethiopia

Survey Questionnaire for Gender-responsive Farm-household Typologies, Innovation adoptions, Impacts of Legume-based Technological Interventions on Small Holder Production and Livelihood Performance in Lentil-Chickpea Zones of North-Shewa Amhara region, Highlands of Ethiopia

Quang Bao Le, Bezaiet Dessalegn, Woinishet Asnake, Girma Kassie. (30/11/2018). Survey Questionnaire for Gender-responsive Farm-household Typologies, Innovation adoptions, Impacts of Legume-based Technological Interventions on Small Holder Production and Livelihood Performance in Lentil-Chickpea Zones of North-Shewa Amhara region, Highlands of Ethiopia(tools)
Multi-level participatory approaches to mobilize dietary diversity for improved infant and young child feeding in banana-based agri-food systems of rural East Africa
Scientific Publication

Multi-level participatory approaches to mobilize dietary diversity for improved infant and young child feeding in banana-based agri-food systems of rural East Africa

Ekesa, B.; Nabuuma, D.; Mpiira, S.; Johnson, V.; Nkuba, D.; Kennedy, G.; Staver, C. (2018). Multi-level participatory approaches to mobilize dietary diversity for improved infant and young child feeding in banana-based agri-food systems of rural East Africa. In: Kalipeni, E.; Iwelunmor, J.; Grigsby-Toussaint, D.; Moise, I. (Eds.). Public Health, Disease and Development in Africa. London: Routledge. 24 p. ISBN: 9781138631250
Gender-differentiated end-user trait preferences for sweetpotato varieties in Iganga and Kamuli districts in eastern Uganda. A Focus Group Discussion Report

Gender-differentiated end-user trait preferences for sweetpotato varieties in Iganga and Kamuli districts in eastern Uganda. A Focus Group Discussion Report

Mulwa C.K., Bayiyana I., Alajo A., Angudubo S., Letia S., McEwan M., Musana P., Namanda S., Oloka B., Rajendran S., Waswa G. (2021). Gender-differentiated end-user trait preferences for sweetpotatovarieties in Iganga and Kamuli districts in eastern Uganda. A Focus Group Discussion Report. Lima, Peru: International Potato Center. ISBN 978-92-9060-609-3. 29 p.
Scientific Publication

Survey data on income, food security, and dietary behavior among women and children from households of differing socio-economic status in urban and peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya

Nyakundi, F.N.; Mutua, Mercy; Lung'aho, M.G.; Chege, C.K.; Ndung'u, J.; Nungo, R.; Karanja, D. (2020) Survey data on income, food security, and dietary behavior among women and children from households of differing socio-economic status in urban and peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya. Data in Brief 33: 106542 ISSN: 2352-3409
Scientific Publication

Effectiveness of a culturally appropriate intervention to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV transmission among men, women, and couples in rural Ethiopia: Findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Sharma, Vandana et al., 'Effectiveness of a culturally appropriate intervention to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV transmission among men, women, and couples in rural Ethiopia: Findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial', PLOS Medicine, vol. 17(8), p. e1003274, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2020
Scientific Publication

Cost-effectiveness analysis of an intimate partner violence prevention intervention targeting men, women and couples in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from the Unite for a Better Life randomised controlled trial

Leight, Jessica; Deyessa, Negussie; Sharma, Vandana, 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of an intimate partner violence prevention intervention targeting men, women and couples in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from the Unite for a Better Life randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, vol. 11(3), p. e042365, BMJ, 2021
Scientific Publication

Effect of Excess Iodine Intake from Iodized Salt and/or Groundwater Iodine on Thyroid Function in Nonpregnant and Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children: A Multicenter Study in East Africa

Farebrother, J and Zimmermann, M B and Abdallah, F and Assey, V and Fingerhut, R and Gichohi-Wainaina, W N and Hussein, I and Makokha, A and Sagno, K and Untoro, J and Watts, M and Andersson, M (2018) Effect of Excess Iodine Intake from Iodized Salt and/or Groundwater Iodine on Thyroid Function in Nonpregnant and Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children: A Multicenter Study in East Africa. Thyroid (TSI), 28 (9). pp. 1198-1210. ISSN 1050-7256
Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts

Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts

Bedmar Villanueva A, Jha Y, Ogwal-Omara R, Welch E, Sayoum Wedajoo A, Halewood M. 2016. Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts. CCAFS Info Note. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Scientific Publication

Did a microfinance ‘plus’ programme empower female farmers and pastoralists and improve intrahousehold equality in rural Ethiopia? Evidence from an impact evaluation using a Project-Women’s Empowerment in Agricultural Index (pro-WEAI) survey tool

Hillesland, Marya et al., 'Did a microfinance ‘plus’ programme empower female farmers and pastoralists and improve intrahousehold equality in rural Ethiopia? Evidence from an impact evaluation using a Project-Women’s Empowerment in Agricultural Index (pro-WEAI) survey tool', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
Scientific Publication

An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Leight, Jessica et al., 'An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial', PLOS Medicine, vol. 17(8), p. e1003131, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2020
Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda

Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda

Kramer B, Rose A, Dejene S, Mukangabo E, Mollerstrom J, Seymour G, Kagabo D. 2021. Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Changes in intra-household decision-making powers: Effects of a gender transformative approach in saving groups in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia
Working Paper

Changes in intra-household decision-making powers: Effects of a gender transformative approach in saving groups in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia

Cole SM, Barker-Perez E, Rajaratnam S, McDougall C, KatoWallace J, Muyaule C, Kaunda P, Puskur R, Longley C, Mulanda A, Mulanda J and Patel AE. 2021. Changes in intra-household decision-making powers: Effects of a gender transformative approach in saving groups in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Working Paper
Scientific Publication

Changing Perception through a Participatory Approach by Involving Adolescent School Children in Evaluating Smart Food Dishes in School Feeding Programs – Real-Time Experience from Central and Northern Tanzania

Wangari, C and Mwema, C and Siambi, M and Silim, S and Ubwe, R and Malesi, K and Anitha, S and Kane-Potaka, J (2020) Changing Perception through a Participatory Approach by Involving Adolescent School Children in Evaluating Smart Food Dishes in School Feeding Programs – Real-Time Experience from Central and Northern Tanzania. Ecology of Food and Nutrition (TSI). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0367-0244