
Scientific Publication

Marketing and market participation of households in livestock and livestock products in Ethiopia

Diall, O.; Randolph, T.; Clausen, P.H.; Waibel, H.; Sidibé, I.; Schoenefeld, A.; Boye, D.; Bocoum, Z.; Sangare, M. 2007. Detection and control of trypanocide resistance: achievements of the ILRI/BMZ project in the cotton zone of West Africa. Selected poster presented at the 29th International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control Conference held at Luanda, Angola, 1-6 October 2007. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Exploration of cultural norms and practices influencing women’s participation in chickpea participatory varietal selection training activities: A case study of Ada’a and Ensaro districts, Ethiopia
Scientific Publication

Exploration of cultural norms and practices influencing women’s participation in chickpea participatory varietal selection training activities: A case study of Ada’a and Ensaro districts, Ethiopia

Esther Njuguna-Mungai, Millicent Liani, Meseret Beyene, Chris Ojiewo. (30/11/2016). Exploration of cultural norms and practices influencing women’s participation in chickpea participatory varietal selection training activities: A case study of Ada’a and Ensaro districts, Ethiopia. Journal of Gender Agriculture and Food Security (Agri-Gender), 1 (3), pp. 40-63
Scientific Publication

African participation in global agricultural trade

Bouët, Antoine; Sall, Leysa Maty, 'African participation in global agricultural trade', In Africa agriculture trade monitor 2021. Bouët, Antoine; Tadesse, Getaw; and Zaki, Chahir (Eds.). Chapter 2, Pp. 15-49, AKADEMIYA2063; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Kigali, Rwanda; Washington, DC, 2021