
Scientific Publication

Multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in low-income countries: Review of methods and characteristics of studies included in the meta-analyses

Margetts, B.M.; Fall, C.H.D.; Ronsmans, C.; Allen, L.H.; Fisher, D.J.; Maternal Micronutrient Supplementation Study Group (MMSSG). Multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in low-income countries: Review of methods and characteristics of studies included in the meta-analyses. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (2009) 30 (Supplement 4) 517-526. (Supplement 4: Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy in Developing Country Settings; ed. by Dalmiya, N., Darnton-Hill, I., Schultink, W. and Shrimpton, R.)
Magazine or Press item

Partagez et protégez

CTA. 2002. Partagez et protégez. Spore, Spore User Survey (Supplement to Spore 100). CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia

Boniface Owino (2019) Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia: Report. Development Initiatives Boniface Owino (2019): Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia: Briefing. Development Initiatives
Scientific Publication

One Health research in northern Tanzania - challenges and progress

Ladbury G, Cleaveland S, Davis A, de Glanville W, Forde T, Halliday J, Haydon D, Kibiki G, Kiwelu I, Lembo T, Maro V, Mmbaga B, Ndyetabura T, Sharp J, Zadoks R. (2017). One Health Research in Northern Tanzania – Challenges and Progress. East African Health Research Journal 1(1): 8-18